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Legal Framework Policy Research
Institutions New Forms of Trafficking Community Based Assistance

Governmental and local Organizations

Department for the Equal Opportunities (DPO)
The DPO is a department within the Prime Minister’s office, under the auspices of the Ministry of Employment and Solcial Policy, competent to promote legislative action; the dissemination of good practices; inter-institutional and transnational cooperation. In order to carry out the activities under its jurisdiction, the DEO has instituted the “Interministerial Commission for the support of victims of trafficking, violence and serious exploitation” and the Technical Panel multi-agency support.
Tel: (+39) 06-67792612
[email protected]

The Union of Italian Provinces (UPI)
Local authorities, through the National Association of Italian Municipalities (ANCI) and the Union of Italian Provinces (UPI), have established a national coordination committing them to act together in support of victims of trafficking. The activity is aimed at: supporting the actions of planning, implementing and monitoring interventions; promoting opportunities for discussion and public debate and defining proposals for regulatory reform.
Piazza Cardelli, 4 00186 – Roma
Tel: (+39) 066840341
[email protected]

National Anti-Mafia Directorate (DNA)
The coordination of the investigative dimension falls within the competence of the National Anti-Mafia Directorate which is a body of the Ministry of Justice, composed of the national anti-Mafia Prosecutor and 20 deputy national anti-Mafia Prosecutors. The National Anti-Mafia Prosecutor exercises the functions of coordinating the investigations carried out by individual District Anti-Mafia Directorates either directly or by delegating the deputy prosecutors. The fight against organized crime is carried out against criminals of various manifestations, including: human trafficking, Mafia, Camorra, ‘Ndrangheta, drug trafficking and foreign criminal organizations.
via Arenula 70 – 00186 Roma
telefono +39 – 06 68851 (centralino)
PEC: [email protected]

Ministry of Interior – Department of Civil Liberties and Immigration
Department responsible for the protection of the civil rights included immigration, asylum, citenship and religious rights.
Piazza del Viminale n. 1 – 00184  Roma
Tel: (+39) 064651

Ministry of Labor and Social Policy
There is the program for assisted repatriation of unaccompanied foreign minors (including possible victims of trafficking who have not been unidentified as such) coordinated by the Committee for Foreign Minors, the inter-ministerial body set up within the Ministry for Labour and Social Policy responsible for monitoring the procedures for residence of foreign minors who are temporarily within Italian territory and for coordinating the activities of the government departments involved.
Via Veneto, 56 – 00187 Roma
Tel. 06 48161636-7

National Association of Italian Municipalities (ANCI)
Local authorities, through the National Association of Italian Municipalities (ANCI) and the Union of Italian Provinces (UPI), have established a national coordination committing them to act together in support of victims of trafficking. The activity is aimed at: supporting the actions of planning, implementing and monitoring interventions; promoting opportunities for discussion and public debate and defining proposals for regulatory reform.
Via dei Prefetti, 46 – 00186 Roma
Tel: (+39) 06 68009225
[email protected]

International Organization of Migration (IOM)
International ntergovernmental organization (146 Member States). It deals also with assited voluntary return and reintegration programs. The IOM office in Rome plays a coordination role for the Mediterranean countries
Via Nomentana, 62 00161 Roma
Tel: (+39) 06 44 23 14 28
[email protected]

Non – Governmental Organizations

National Coordination of Shelter Community (CNCA)
CNCA, a member of the Technical Panel established at the DPO, has about 250 organizations affiliated from all over Italy, divided into regional areas. The CNCA is present in all areas of hardship and exclusion, and has a specific group on prostitution.
Via di S.Maria Maggiore, 148, 00184 Roma
(+39) 06 44230403 Secretariat

Toscana Interventi Tratta e Sfruttamento Association (TRAME)
Alongside the national coordination there are also initiatives of regional scope, such as TRAME association in Tuscany which brings together agencies of the third sector working in favor of foreign victims of trafficking.
Via del Leone,9 50124 Firenze (registered office)
Via Fiorentina, 109, 59100 Prato (operational office)
Tel. (+39) 0574 571181
[email protected]

Save the Children Italy
Save the Children Italy has the duty of carrying out a survey of the reception standards, procedures to protect children within the housing community for unaccompanied foreign minors in Sicily, Apulia and Marche, and develop a system of standardized procedures in conjunction with partners. It is partner of the “Presidium” project and intervenes to provide assistance and information to unaccompanied foreign minors after disembarkations. It manages also in Rome the service called “Civico Zero”, aimed at supporting minors living on the border of society. It is also partner of several projects dealing with minors’ care and research activities.
Via Volturno 58, 00185 Roma
Tel: (+39) 06 480700
[email protected]

Italian Network for Voluntary Assisted Repatriation (NIRVA)
Funded by the European Repatriation Fund, NIRVA works on local projects dealing with trafficking. Currently in Italy, two programs involving voluntary assisted repatriation are in place that could also be of benefit for minors: PARTIR III, implemented by the IOM and intended for victims of trafficking (Article 18) and similar cases (Article 13), and ODISSEO II, developed for 20 Albanian citizens, former unaccompanied minors and young adults, aged between 18 and 34 years who are in Italy, who no longer meet the conditions for renewal of their residence permits and who intend voluntarily to return to their own country.
Piazza di Trevi, 86 – 00187 Roma
Tel: (+39) 06 69940461
[email protected]

Virtus Italia
It is an association working in several fields such as: culture, interculture, education, social care and training. The municipality of Roma has entrusted it with the task of managing a reception centre for unaccompanied minors; creating an “on the road unit” to locate and support trafficking and sexual exploitation victims; seven shelters for unaccompanied minors. On behalf of the municipality of Palermo, it manges the “on the road unit”, the toll-free nember and listening centre to prevent minor begging.
Via Donato Menichella, 146, 00156, Roma
Tel. (+39) 06 41200952
[email protected]

On the road
It is an association which intervenes against prostitution and trafficking, delivering on the road and residential services . Parallely, it helps also decision makers to promote sectorial policies and  develop intervention strategies and models for professional profiles, through  researche and training projects.
Via delle Lancette, 27, 64014 Martin Sicuro (TE)
Tel. (+39) 0861 796666
[email protected]

Association for Legal Studies on Immigration – (ASGI)
It is an association of lawyers, university teachers and legal operators, specially focused on immigration related legal issues. By twenty yers it has been working for: the elaboration of national and community laws, the promotion of the political debate and the control on the legitimacy of the public action towards foreigners.
Via Gerdil, 7, 10152, Torino
Tel. (+39) 011 4369158
[email protected]

Research and Analysis Organizations

Trascrime Research Institute  – (TRAME)
Transcrime is the Joint Research Centre on Transnational Crime of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan and the University of Trento. Transcrime aims at being a national and international point of reference in the criminological research panorama.
Largo Gemelli 1, 20123 Milano
Tel: (+39) 02 7234 3715/3716
[email protected]